Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Camera

I am a big fan of digital cameras - but not of the length of time you need to wait between taking pictures or the way light can ruin your shot. There have been many an opportunity past because my camera was not ready and the shot was missed - especially with small children. Many other photos have been deleted because they are so dark you have no idea what they are of - in the case of church weddings. Lately, I have been thinking and researching digital SLR cameras. I do know that they are pricey, but I also have seen many gorgeous photos taken with them. As far as I have read, they will take care of the 2 issues I listed above. Every digital camera I have purchased in the past has been a Sony, so I am leaning that way - but have seen some great deals on Nikon and Canon. If anyone has an opinion they would like to share with me, I'd LOVE to hear it.


Corey~living and loving said...


I love my Canon Xti! LOVE IT! If you look through my site, from about May'll see all photos using that camera. :)

Or your could click on the "photography" tag on the side bar, and you'll see all the post with pictures.

I suffer nearly ZERO wait time, unless using a flash, and all camera have that issue. I try to stay away from flash in general anyhow, so it isn't a problem for me.

If you have any further questions be sure to ask. :)

just lisa said...

Can you believe I still use a Minolta SLR - hot digital? I have a couple different lenses with it and I still love it. I take pictures of my layouts with one of my girls digital cameras. I am looking into getting a digital camera this year - something that I can still use my lenses with - possible cannon. So, I am no help! :-(

On a another note, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I was happy to win that contest and today I found out I won another Rak. I love free scrapbooking supplies - they're the best kind. ;-)

Have a wonderful weekend!!

just lisa said...

Oops!! I meant to say "not digital" not "hot digital". Guess I am getting tired!