Friday, January 11, 2008

Organization is key...

Welcome to 2008!

Organization is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions and I can help. Creative Memories carries a number of organizing options.

1. Power Sort Boxes - for storing your prints and memorabilia.

2. Neg Care System - for organizing your negatives and photo CD's.

3. Memory Manager - for organizing the digital photos on your PC.

4. The Memory Mate Collection - to organize your supplies.

5. Power Layouts Kit - organize pages in advance and store them until your ready to mount them.

6. ME! I would be more than happy to schedule some time to come to your home and help you organize your photos. Whether printed or digital, I can get you organized.

Visit my website to place your order today and start your 2008 off ORGANIZED!

1 comment:

Corey~living and loving said...

I already have most of that. :) you are right....gotta be organized. :)